2016夏包款趨勢-水桶包 Bucket Bags

Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag

水桶包從去年開始火紅到不行, 算是近幾年復古流行的指標之一, 主要原因是水桶包的立體空間讓容量最大化, 看起來迷你小巧卻能裝下所有每天出門的必備小物, 束口袋的設計和拉鍊一樣達到保護包包內東西的功能, 卻比拉鍊設計方便靈巧多了! 阿卡找到三款造型各有特色的台灣真皮材質水桶包, 介紹給大家!
Bucket bag is having a huge come back this year, which is definitely a staple back in the 80's. The bucket design fully utilize the vertical space to maximize capacity of how much you can keep in the bag. The string closure is just as secure as zipper closure but add some additional interest to the bag. A-Ca found 3 very cute bucket bags from Hawooo.com. They are made with real leather and super fashionable!

BELLUCY 風靡時尚流蘇鉚釘水桶包 (連結)

Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag

這款粉藍色的鉚釘水桶包讓阿卡非常心動. 包身設計簡潔, 剛好裝下最基本的日常小物, 束口帶上流蘇的設計裝飾感十足, 鉚釘的點綴讓包包看起來更活潑有形.
A-Ca is a big fan of this cute studded bucket bag. It is a smaller bag perfect for day-to-dat use. I love the tassel at the end of the string on the bag. The studs details provide perfect embellishment to a cute everyday bag!

Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag
Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag

BELLUCY 波西米亞頭層牛皮流蘇水桶包 (連結)

Hawooo blog Bellucy Fringed bucket bag

這款水桶包的流蘇設計在走動之際展現十足的流動感. 因為是牛皮製的關係, 流蘇不會太過整齊, 反而有很自然的垂墜感. 束口袋尾端的金屬結尾將整體造型做了漂亮的收尾!
The fringe design on the bucket bag is definitely a turn-head feature. Because it is made with real leather, the fringe flow/swing nicely when walking. The gold tone detail on the edge of the bag string provide a clean look to the overall bag, which in my opinion makes the bag looks very expensive.

Hawooo blog Bellucy Fringed bucket bag
Hawooo blog Bellucy Fringed bucket bag

BELLUCY 時尚韓風蝴蝶結束口質感肩背包 (連結)  

Hawooo blog Bellucy basic bucket bag

這是一款水桶包的變形, 包身上的束口設計其實是裝飾, 包包本身仍維持非常穩的長方形開口, 在水桶包的輕鬆與一般傳統方形包的正式感之間取得平衡. 優雅大方的小資款美包.
This is a structured bag with bucket inspired design. The string you see on the bag is more of a decoration which tone down the formal feel of a traditional structured bag. It's perfect for work and look effortlessly elegant.

Hawooo blog Bellucy basic bucket bag
Hawooo blog Bellucy basic bucket bag

以上的三款包都是來自台灣品牌Bellucy, 他們家專攻高質感的真皮時尚包款, 在大馬的女孩們可以由好物飛行網買到這些水桶包包喔!
Bellucy is a Taiwanese fashion brand specializing in high quality leather bag. They came out with some really trendy designs this season. The fashionistas in Malaysia can find these products on Hawooo.com.

2016夏涼鞋趨勢-金屬元素 Metallic Sandals

今天阿卡想和大家分享今年涼鞋最流行的趨勢, 非金屬感涼鞋莫屬了! 以下介紹三款新品, 時尚又涼快!
Mantellic Sandals is have a big comeback this summer. I am sharing 3 pairs of outstanding designs, which can all be found at Hawooo.com!


第一雙在腳背處有金屬材質, 平底的設計非常好走, 是絕佳的時尚入門款. 搭配上也很簡單, 以淺色系為基調, 配上休閒寬褲或短裙就很俏麗!
The first one is a pair of flat sandals. It's great for beginners if you are not sure about how to wear metallic trend yet because the metal embellishment is minimal. Pairing it with light color culottes or mini skirt and you are ready to go!

第二雙在鞋跟處作金屬設計, 細跟高跟鞋非常性感, 同時又帶一點辛辣倔強感, 大幅提升回頭率!
The second pair I'd like to share with you has an unexpected metal element on the heels. It's a very sexy pair of strap sandals, which definitely turns heads!

第三雙整雙涼鞋都是銀色的設計, 其實金屬色的搭法和裸色是同樣的理論, 除了可以搭配任何色系, 因為金屬色和膚色相近, 還能達到延長雙腿的視覺效果呢!
The last pair is entirely silver! It might seem bold, but I think metallic color can be styled the same way as a nude. It not only elongates your legs but also can be paired with any color! 

All the products mentioned in this post can be found in Hawooo.com. If you don't have a pair of metallic sandal yet, you should give it a try!

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