2016夏泳衣趨勢-性感連身 One-piece swimming suit

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 熱力四射纖腰連身泳衣 綠

炙熱炎夏最消暑的活動莫過於去海邊走走或泳池玩耍! 好物特派員阿卡發現今年最火紅的泳衣趨勢是一件式連身泳衣. 連身設計可以修飾小腹, 在挖洞設計的巧思上做文章, 讓連身泳衣可以和比基尼一樣性感喔! 今天和大家介紹三款台灣品牌連身泳衣, 大馬的女孩可以在好物飛行網上找到喔! (請按->好物連結)

Nothing excites me more to go to the beach or the pool during the hot mid-summer days! A-ca found a major trend in one-piece swimming suit this year. One-piece was preserved as a more conservative options. But with strategic cut out in the right place, it can be just as sexy if not more than a traditional bikini design. I want to introduce 3 unconventional one piece bathing suit for you to rock this summer!

AINIA 熱力四射纖腰連身泳衣 綠 -> 好物連結

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 熱力四射纖腰連身泳衣 綠


This pair of one piece has some cute little print over a beautiful lake green color. It looks like a one piece in the front but two pieces from the back. The cut out on both side of the waist is an extremely flattering design. And I love the bow tied on both side of the hips!

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 熱力四射纖腰連身泳衣 綠

AINIA 編織性感 舞孃綁帶式連身泳裝 隨性黑 -> 好物連結

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 編織性感 舞孃綁帶式連身泳裝 隨性黑


This is a perfect example of a one piece and look even sexier than a bikini swim suit! It not only has a strategic cut out on the waist but it has a high neck which really elongates your figure!

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 編織性感 舞孃綁帶式連身泳裝 隨性黑

AINIA 自信風采經典黑白條紋設計拉鍊式連身泳衣 白 -> 好物連結

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 自信風采經典黑白條紋設計拉鍊式連身泳衣 白

這件黑白直條紋泳衣相當經典優雅,罩杯式的設計很有安全感,荷葉邊讓上身更添分量感. 從海邊走回來穿著泳衣太尷尬,阿卡認為這件泳衣外搭一條印花小短裙就很可愛,也很適合參加pool party喔!

The black and white stripe is a classic color combination. I find the design of this one-piece to be very elegant. The cup is perfect for hiding some padding in the swimming suit and the ruffle also help to add something extra to make you look even more feminine. You can wear a printed skirt over it and there you go a chic outfit for a pool party!

Hawooo blog My Bra AINIA 自信風采經典黑白條紋設計拉鍊式連身泳衣 白

You can find all these items on Hawooo.com!

2016夏包款趨勢-水桶包 Bucket Bags

Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag

水桶包從去年開始火紅到不行, 算是近幾年復古流行的指標之一, 主要原因是水桶包的立體空間讓容量最大化, 看起來迷你小巧卻能裝下所有每天出門的必備小物, 束口袋的設計和拉鍊一樣達到保護包包內東西的功能, 卻比拉鍊設計方便靈巧多了! 阿卡找到三款造型各有特色的台灣真皮材質水桶包, 介紹給大家!
Bucket bag is having a huge come back this year, which is definitely a staple back in the 80's. The bucket design fully utilize the vertical space to maximize capacity of how much you can keep in the bag. The string closure is just as secure as zipper closure but add some additional interest to the bag. A-Ca found 3 very cute bucket bags from Hawooo.com. They are made with real leather and super fashionable!

BELLUCY 風靡時尚流蘇鉚釘水桶包 (連結)

Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag

這款粉藍色的鉚釘水桶包讓阿卡非常心動. 包身設計簡潔, 剛好裝下最基本的日常小物, 束口帶上流蘇的設計裝飾感十足, 鉚釘的點綴讓包包看起來更活潑有形.
A-Ca is a big fan of this cute studded bucket bag. It is a smaller bag perfect for day-to-dat use. I love the tassel at the end of the string on the bag. The studs details provide perfect embellishment to a cute everyday bag!

Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag
Hawooo blog Bellucy studed bucket bag

BELLUCY 波西米亞頭層牛皮流蘇水桶包 (連結)

Hawooo blog Bellucy Fringed bucket bag

這款水桶包的流蘇設計在走動之際展現十足的流動感. 因為是牛皮製的關係, 流蘇不會太過整齊, 反而有很自然的垂墜感. 束口袋尾端的金屬結尾將整體造型做了漂亮的收尾!
The fringe design on the bucket bag is definitely a turn-head feature. Because it is made with real leather, the fringe flow/swing nicely when walking. The gold tone detail on the edge of the bag string provide a clean look to the overall bag, which in my opinion makes the bag looks very expensive.

Hawooo blog Bellucy Fringed bucket bag
Hawooo blog Bellucy Fringed bucket bag

BELLUCY 時尚韓風蝴蝶結束口質感肩背包 (連結)  

Hawooo blog Bellucy basic bucket bag

這是一款水桶包的變形, 包身上的束口設計其實是裝飾, 包包本身仍維持非常穩的長方形開口, 在水桶包的輕鬆與一般傳統方形包的正式感之間取得平衡. 優雅大方的小資款美包.
This is a structured bag with bucket inspired design. The string you see on the bag is more of a decoration which tone down the formal feel of a traditional structured bag. It's perfect for work and look effortlessly elegant.

Hawooo blog Bellucy basic bucket bag
Hawooo blog Bellucy basic bucket bag

以上的三款包都是來自台灣品牌Bellucy, 他們家專攻高質感的真皮時尚包款, 在大馬的女孩們可以由好物飛行網買到這些水桶包包喔!
Bellucy is a Taiwanese fashion brand specializing in high quality leather bag. They came out with some really trendy designs this season. The fashionistas in Malaysia can find these products on Hawooo.com.

2016夏涼鞋趨勢-金屬元素 Metallic Sandals

今天阿卡想和大家分享今年涼鞋最流行的趨勢, 非金屬感涼鞋莫屬了! 以下介紹三款新品, 時尚又涼快!
Mantellic Sandals is have a big comeback this summer. I am sharing 3 pairs of outstanding designs, which can all be found at Hawooo.com!


第一雙在腳背處有金屬材質, 平底的設計非常好走, 是絕佳的時尚入門款. 搭配上也很簡單, 以淺色系為基調, 配上休閒寬褲或短裙就很俏麗!
The first one is a pair of flat sandals. It's great for beginners if you are not sure about how to wear metallic trend yet because the metal embellishment is minimal. Pairing it with light color culottes or mini skirt and you are ready to go!

第二雙在鞋跟處作金屬設計, 細跟高跟鞋非常性感, 同時又帶一點辛辣倔強感, 大幅提升回頭率!
The second pair I'd like to share with you has an unexpected metal element on the heels. It's a very sexy pair of strap sandals, which definitely turns heads!

第三雙整雙涼鞋都是銀色的設計, 其實金屬色的搭法和裸色是同樣的理論, 除了可以搭配任何色系, 因為金屬色和膚色相近, 還能達到延長雙腿的視覺效果呢!
The last pair is entirely silver! It might seem bold, but I think metallic color can be styled the same way as a nude. It not only elongates your legs but also can be paired with any color! 

All the products mentioned in this post can be found in Hawooo.com. If you don't have a pair of metallic sandal yet, you should give it a try!

夏季美白大作戰 The Secret to Glowing Skin


As the weather getting hotter, it is crucial to take care of our skin from the brutal sun to prevent skin aging. Today A-ca is going to show you 3 simple steps to get a brighter and clearer skin in the summer time!

步驟一: 補充膠原蛋白, 從內而外照顧肌膚
Step 1. Taking appropriate supplements and drink lots of water

步驟二: 勤擦防曬油, 防止黑斑生成也抗老化
Step 2. Putting on sun screen with high spf and +++

步驟三: 固定使用美白凍膜, 涼快又美白
Step 3. Incorporating brightening face mask in your daily beauty routine

以上產品, 大馬的女孩們都可以在Hawooo.com找到喔!
大家一起美白抗夏大作戰, 發現台灣的好東西!
All the products mentioned can be find in Hawooo.com . Let's work towards better skin and together find good stuff from Taiwan!

一字領 Off-the -shoulder Trend

今年春夏最流行的上衣剪裁絕對非"一字領"莫屬了. 露出鎖骨和頸肩線條, 顯示無意間的性感, 非常可愛. 這篇文章好物特派員阿卡找到幾件剪裁 在Hawooo.com你可以找到來自台灣的品牌Air Space, 登入代購, 就能在大馬買到這些商品喔!
A huge trend for this spring and summer is the Off-the-shoulder trend. It is very fermium and cute in the same time. When done right, it shows the effortless sexiness in every girl. You can find the brand Air Space, a Taiwanese fast fashion brand on Hawooo.com. Here are some top choice by A-Ca:

AIR SPACE 流蘇彈性一字領上衣(淺咖) 好物代購連結

這件上衣設計非常簡單, 在肩膀處以鬆緊帶的設計防止衣服滑落, 整體上非常輕盈的材質, 在袖口做了一些細碎抓皺的裝飾, 不經意的可愛! 
This top has a very simple design and natural color. The elastic design prevent the top from slipping down the shoulder. It is made with a very light and airy material. There is also some little ruffling detail at the sleeve, which is unexpected but very cute!

AIR SPACE 鏤空花紋一字領上衣(咖啡) 好物代購連結

這件芥末黃的顏色非常適合皮膚白皙的女孩, 上衣中間的蕾絲將視覺集中,整體上看起來特別顯瘦. 手軸處有簍空雕花, 和袖口的扣子都是用新的小細節喔!
The muster yellow suits fair color skin tone very well. When the lace design is in the center of the top, it helps slim down the puffiness and became very flattering. The crochet and bottom on the sleeve also add some intricacy to the top. 

鋸齒蕾絲衣襬一字領上衣(黑) 好物代購連結

最後一件雖然是黑色的上衣, 但衣襬的雕花剪裁和較短的衣長都讓整件衣服有非常輕盈的感覺, 低調中不失俏麗!
The black top appears to be very light and cute because of the cropped design and crochet at the bottom. This is A-ca's favorite choice out of the 3 tops.

好物飛行網和台灣雅虎購物中心合作, 是馬來西亞最棒的台灣購物平台, 從這個連結可進入代購網頁. 以上, 大家一起追求時尚 , 找到台灣的好東西!
Hawooo.com work with Yahoo Taiwan and serve as the best platform for people live in Malaysia to get the latest and hippest products from Taiwan. So let's stay on top of trends. And let's find good stuff from Taiwan!


運動甜心 Sporty Girl

大家有沒有養成運動的好習慣呢? 阿卡最近迷上核心肌群的訓練, 15~30分鐘, 練出好身材. 我在一個月半的時間內, 從只能做半個伏地挺身, 到現在可以輕鬆做10下, 持續進步中! 網路上有很多教學影片, 很推薦給大家喔! 另外呢, 在運動的時候也要穿得很可愛! 阿卡決定和大家介紹來自台灣的品牌, 薇薇安娜. 他們從塑身衣起家, 非常了解亞洲女性身型的黃金比例, 現在更跨足運動衣著, 功能性和舒適性兼具!

I started to do core-workout training a couple of months ago. I went from not able to finish one push up to now I can finish 10 pretty easily. I am pushing myself to improve everyday. And I want to do it with a stash of style! V.Vienna is a brand from Taiwan. They used to make functional under garment designed to fit Asian lady's body. Now they start making workout garments that are both comfortable and stylish!

 運動內衣是訓練時的基本配備, 我非常喜歡挖背的設計, 在穿上運動背心的時候不用擔心肩帶滑落或尷尬地露出來. 在提供支撐力的同時也非常透氣喔!
Sports bra is a workout enssentail. I love the raser back design because it blends in well with a tank top perfectly. The sports bra provides great support and is made from a very breathable material as well.

Another offering from V.Vienna is this 100% cotton towel. You don't need to worry about getting sweaty and smelly with the cute pink towel in hand!

運動完之後別忘了抬腿讓肌肉放鬆, 更事半功倍的方法是穿上塑腿襪, 除了消除皮著之外, 一整晚都在塑形美腿喔!
Wear a pair of post workout leggings helps relaxing the muscle over night. But still don't forget to stretch after working out!

以上, 向大家介紹來自台灣的V.Vienna品牌,歡迎上Hawooo.com,  一起運動有形, 找到台灣好東西!
All the products mentioned can be find in Hawooo.com . Let's workout in style and find good stuff from Taiwan!

2016春季粉色系包包大賞 Pastel Bags

天氣換季, 包包也要記得換季喔! 阿卡在好物飛行網站上可以找到超受歡迎的平價台灣包包品牌天藍小舖, 這季推出幾款各式包包, 全都是粉色系, 用起來心情超好!在這提醒大家一個阿卡的穿搭小秘訣, 盡量不要在杯淺色包包的時候穿太深顏色的牛仔褲, 因為牛仔褲的藍色染劑有可能會在走動衣服摩擦包包的時候將淺色包包染色喔, 這是個阿卡含血淚的學習阿!
As we enter the spring season, it's time to change up the bags and lift up our mood! You can find Shy Sky - a mid to lower price point Taiwanese brand. They came out several different style bag with all pastel colors. One fashion tip that I learnt the hard way is to never wear light color bag while wear dark blue jeans. Otherwise the color will transfer from your jeans to the back of your bag and that's in no way a pretty look. :(

可肩杯也可斜杯的小包包是阿卡除了上班之外最常使用的包款. 不論是和朋友吃早午餐還是看一場電影都可適合! 粉系春色亮眼清新加上金屬小鹿的點綴,讓包正式中也能帶有活潑感,內附長背帶和肩背帶可隨意變換造型,包磁釦掀蓋有內裡,內兩拉鍊層。
Small cross body bag is my most used type of bags! It's perfect for going to brunch or even watching a movie with friends. The gold hardware makes the bag look lightly more formal than usual and more versatile. There are 2 zip compartment in the bag, which make it easier to organize your bag.

從包包中拿出粉色系的可愛皮夾, 包包裡外都換季! 繽紛亮眼的春夏新色,漆皮材質甜美又充滿活力,長夾按釦開口,內有夾層*2/卡片層*7/鈔票層*1照片夾*1/有零錢袋。
Changing up dark color wallet with refreshing pastel color is another way to up your accessory game. The wallet has a coated paten faux leather so it's more durable than normal faux leather material. It also has multiple card slots and also a coin compartment, which fits everything you need nicely.

天藍小舖 雙拉鍊金屬邊條兩用後背包(連結)
後背包是最輕鬆的包款了, 帶出們去走春踏青超適合! 簡單大方的皮革後背包,質感皮革加上金屬拉鍊點綴更加亮眼,背袋可隨心變換側背或後背好方便,包磁釦掀蓋束口開口,有內裡,一拉鍊帶。
Backpack is the most carefree style. Find this grass green backpack at Hawooo.com. Again it comes with gold hardware and buckle closure. It definitely carries more stuff than the small cross body bag so perfect for picnics or a weekend hike!

以上, 大馬的女孩們可以在Hawooo.com買到天藍小舖的商品喔! 大家一起找到台灣好東西!
You can find all these products in Hawooo.com. Let's find good stuff in Taiwan!

2016 春鞋趨勢-蕾絲綁帶 Stappy Lace-up Shoes

 阿卡超喜歡鞋子! 全身類似色系或者基本款的衣著搭配上設計別出心裁的鞋子, 立即完成超時尚的穿搭, 也不會感覺太過招搖. 在好物飛行可以找到台灣鞋子品牌FM美鞋. 今天打算介紹3雙今年春天最流行的綁帶設計!
Shoes are one of my favorite accessories! I love wearing a monochromatic or effortless outfit and pair with a pair of statement shoes. I think that's the best way to show case your personality without trying too hard. I found some great shoes from a Taiwanese Brand - FM shoes.

1. FM Shoes 甜心魔鬼氈踝綁結尖頭涼包鞋

第一雙平底鞋腳踝處有超可愛的大蝴蝶結, 既可愛又不失女人味, 平底的設計好穿之外, 也不太過高調喔!


The first pair is super cute! I love the cute little bow wrap around the ankle. It is a practical flat so the over-sized bow doesn't appear to be over the top. This pair of shoe also come with black color for more of a day to day wear.

2. FM Shoes 波希風細繞帶綁繩金跟尖頭包鞋

第二雙阿卡也是選擇分享平底鞋, 尖頭的設計不失幹練, 蕾絲綁帶更添小女人的優雅, 很適合穿去上班!


The second pair is also a pair of flat but the thin lace design make it a lot more sophisticated. It is totally office appropriate. The entire look is very elegant and sharp with the pointed toe design.

第三雙是阿卡最愛的高跟鞋, 這雙設計既有個性又幹練, 鞋子的設計在外部是絨布材質, 內襯牛皮鞋墊透氣又好走, 是即將晉身主管, 事業心強小資女孩的最佳行頭!


And the last pair is my favorite high heels! It totally give off a girl boss vibe - Don't mess with me!

以上分享今年春季必備的綁帶蕾絲鞋, 全部來自FM美鞋, 可以在好物飛行網找到, 希望大家一起找到台灣好東西!

All the products in this post can be found in Hawooo.com. And let's find the good stuff in Taiwan! 

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