一字領 Off-the -shoulder Trend


今年春夏最流行的上衣剪裁絕對非"一字領"莫屬了. 露出鎖骨和頸肩線條, 顯示無意間的性感, 非常可愛. 這篇文章好物特派員阿卡找到幾件剪裁 在Hawooo.com你可以找到來自台灣的品牌Air Space, 登入代購, 就能在大馬買到這些商品喔!
A huge trend for this spring and summer is the Off-the-shoulder trend. It is very fermium and cute in the same time. When done right, it shows the effortless sexiness in every girl. You can find the brand Air Space, a Taiwanese fast fashion brand on Hawooo.com. Here are some top choice by A-Ca:

AIR SPACE 流蘇彈性一字領上衣(淺咖) 好物代購連結

這件上衣設計非常簡單, 在肩膀處以鬆緊帶的設計防止衣服滑落, 整體上非常輕盈的材質, 在袖口做了一些細碎抓皺的裝飾, 不經意的可愛! 
This top has a very simple design and natural color. The elastic design prevent the top from slipping down the shoulder. It is made with a very light and airy material. There is also some little ruffling detail at the sleeve, which is unexpected but very cute!

AIR SPACE 鏤空花紋一字領上衣(咖啡) 好物代購連結

這件芥末黃的顏色非常適合皮膚白皙的女孩, 上衣中間的蕾絲將視覺集中,整體上看起來特別顯瘦. 手軸處有簍空雕花, 和袖口的扣子都是用新的小細節喔!
The muster yellow suits fair color skin tone very well. When the lace design is in the center of the top, it helps slim down the puffiness and became very flattering. The crochet and bottom on the sleeve also add some intricacy to the top. 

鋸齒蕾絲衣襬一字領上衣(黑) 好物代購連結

最後一件雖然是黑色的上衣, 但衣襬的雕花剪裁和較短的衣長都讓整件衣服有非常輕盈的感覺, 低調中不失俏麗!
The black top appears to be very light and cute because of the cropped design and crochet at the bottom. This is A-ca's favorite choice out of the 3 tops.

好物飛行網和台灣雅虎購物中心合作, 是馬來西亞最棒的台灣購物平台, 從這個連結可進入代購網頁. 以上, 大家一起追求時尚 , 找到台灣的好東西!
Hawooo.com work with Yahoo Taiwan and serve as the best platform for people live in Malaysia to get the latest and hippest products from Taiwan. So let's stay on top of trends. And let's find good stuff from Taiwan!


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