2016 春鞋趨勢-蕾絲綁帶 Stappy Lace-up Shoes


 阿卡超喜歡鞋子! 全身類似色系或者基本款的衣著搭配上設計別出心裁的鞋子, 立即完成超時尚的穿搭, 也不會感覺太過招搖. 在好物飛行可以找到台灣鞋子品牌FM美鞋. 今天打算介紹3雙今年春天最流行的綁帶設計!
Shoes are one of my favorite accessories! I love wearing a monochromatic or effortless outfit and pair with a pair of statement shoes. I think that's the best way to show case your personality without trying too hard. I found some great shoes from a Taiwanese Brand - FM shoes.

1. FM Shoes 甜心魔鬼氈踝綁結尖頭涼包鞋

第一雙平底鞋腳踝處有超可愛的大蝴蝶結, 既可愛又不失女人味, 平底的設計好穿之外, 也不太過高調喔!


The first pair is super cute! I love the cute little bow wrap around the ankle. It is a practical flat so the over-sized bow doesn't appear to be over the top. This pair of shoe also come with black color for more of a day to day wear.

2. FM Shoes 波希風細繞帶綁繩金跟尖頭包鞋

第二雙阿卡也是選擇分享平底鞋, 尖頭的設計不失幹練, 蕾絲綁帶更添小女人的優雅, 很適合穿去上班!


The second pair is also a pair of flat but the thin lace design make it a lot more sophisticated. It is totally office appropriate. The entire look is very elegant and sharp with the pointed toe design.

第三雙是阿卡最愛的高跟鞋, 這雙設計既有個性又幹練, 鞋子的設計在外部是絨布材質, 內襯牛皮鞋墊透氣又好走, 是即將晉身主管, 事業心強小資女孩的最佳行頭!


And the last pair is my favorite high heels! It totally give off a girl boss vibe - Don't mess with me!

以上分享今年春季必備的綁帶蕾絲鞋, 全部來自FM美鞋, 可以在好物飛行網找到, 希望大家一起找到台灣好東西!

All the products in this post can be found in Hawooo.com. And let's find the good stuff in Taiwan! 

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