運動甜心 Sporty Girl


大家有沒有養成運動的好習慣呢? 阿卡最近迷上核心肌群的訓練, 15~30分鐘, 練出好身材. 我在一個月半的時間內, 從只能做半個伏地挺身, 到現在可以輕鬆做10下, 持續進步中! 網路上有很多教學影片, 很推薦給大家喔! 另外呢, 在運動的時候也要穿得很可愛! 阿卡決定和大家介紹來自台灣的品牌, 薇薇安娜. 他們從塑身衣起家, 非常了解亞洲女性身型的黃金比例, 現在更跨足運動衣著, 功能性和舒適性兼具!

I started to do core-workout training a couple of months ago. I went from not able to finish one push up to now I can finish 10 pretty easily. I am pushing myself to improve everyday. And I want to do it with a stash of style! V.Vienna is a brand from Taiwan. They used to make functional under garment designed to fit Asian lady's body. Now they start making workout garments that are both comfortable and stylish!

 運動內衣是訓練時的基本配備, 我非常喜歡挖背的設計, 在穿上運動背心的時候不用擔心肩帶滑落或尷尬地露出來. 在提供支撐力的同時也非常透氣喔!
Sports bra is a workout enssentail. I love the raser back design because it blends in well with a tank top perfectly. The sports bra provides great support and is made from a very breathable material as well.

Another offering from V.Vienna is this 100% cotton towel. You don't need to worry about getting sweaty and smelly with the cute pink towel in hand!

運動完之後別忘了抬腿讓肌肉放鬆, 更事半功倍的方法是穿上塑腿襪, 除了消除皮著之外, 一整晚都在塑形美腿喔!
Wear a pair of post workout leggings helps relaxing the muscle over night. But still don't forget to stretch after working out!

以上, 向大家介紹來自台灣的V.Vienna品牌,歡迎上Hawooo.com,  一起運動有形, 找到台灣好東西!
All the products mentioned can be find in Hawooo.com . Let's workout in style and find good stuff from Taiwan!

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