2016 春季洗澡有機升級 Spring Shower Routine


A-Ca想和大家推薦對皮膚, 頭髮, 以及對環境都友善的木酢達人產品, 春季洗澡有機升級, 照顧自己, 也照顧地球. 洗澡產品天天都在使用, 長時間暴露於高化學劑量對頭髮和肌膚都不好. 除此之外, 無法被分解的化學添加劑也在傷害著我們的地球. 美國政府今年公布將禁用洗澡產品中添加的化學微粒, 因為這些化學微粒材質無法被自然分解, 並且非常細小, 因此無法被廢水系統給收集而直接排如海洋. 小魚將化學微粒吃下肚後, 大魚吃小魚, 有害物質最終仍進入人體.

A-Ca would like to introduce everyone to this fantastic brand, which is made by a Taiwanese company and has it's production line in Taiwan. It's very important to chose organic and chemical free products especially when it comes to shower products because it touches our entire body on a daily bases. Also, caring and concerning about our environment is the only way to ensure our future great grand kids can enjoy the same beautiful earth we are living today. There are many different types of chemical being used in typical mess produced body care products. They can be harmful to the environment and can even be harmful to mankind. The US government has announced banning plastic microbeads being used in showering products. Mainly because it is nearly impossible to dissolve plastic particles that enter water streams by the billions. When waste water being discharged in to the ocean, these beads got eaten by fishes which eventually comes back to human and can cause issues.


在好物飛行, 可以買到台灣創新有機品牌木酢達人的產品, 從大樹中萃取純木酢液,加入洗澡護膚的產品中, 天然又有效.
In Hawooo.com, we carry an all-natural line made by DAWOKO. All of their products are made with no harsh chemicals but still proven to be very effective in cleansing.

1.  木酢達人 天然木酢清爽保濕沐浴乳

這款天然沐浴乳含弱酸性配方, 能真正清潔毛孔; 含有植物性膠原蛋白, 形成皮膚表面的保護膜, 成功減緩因乾燥引起的肌膚養; 並使用椰子油發泡劑, 因此不須用力搓洗, 適合敏感性肌膚使用.
The weak acid formulation cleanse the skin and natural collagen forms a moisture layer on the skin. It doesn't take much scrubbing to achieve the cleansing effect you are looking for!

2.  木酢達人 天然草本 木酢控油調理洗髮乳

他們家的控油洗髮精包含天然薄荷精油及荷荷芭油, 清理頭皮的同時對頭髮進行保濕,
去除頭髮油膩味, 提高保濕度, 也可減少頭髮打結情形. 其獨家的斷裂木酢配方可有效維護頭皮及頭髮健康, 使頭髮毛鱗恢復平整, 這款產品在好物飛行網現在買一送一!
The oil control shampoo made by Dawoko has all natural ingredient. The mint essential oil and jojoba oil in the formulation makes it possible to moisturize the hair while really cleans the scalp.

3. 木酢達人 天竺清爽護膚乳液

洗完澡後一併使用他們家的護膚乳液, 內含橄欖油、甜杏仁油、天竺葵精油等天然元素, 保濕, 溫和, 也適合孩童使用!
After showering, don't forget to put on some lotion. Olive oil, almond oil and geranium essential oil are all very gentle to the skin. So this product is great for both kids and adults.

以上, 希望大家和A-Ca一起愛護地球, 發現台灣的好東西!
Hope everyone join the band wagon of protecting our mother earth. And let's find the good stuff in Taiwan! 

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