2016 春季彩妝趨勢 Spring Makeup Trend


在馬來西亞, 一年四季如夏. 但我認為彩妝仍要換季. 每當彩妝一換季,我覺得心情都跟著輕鬆起來. 想和大家分享我找到一些台灣彩妝品牌的春季產品和我觀察到的流行趨勢 - CC霜, 微煙燻眼影盤,和棒狀腮紅!

Although the weather here in Malaysia is pretty warm all-year-round, I still think changing up makeup look according to the seasons is refreshing and enjoyable. This spring season I observed some really nice trend across the Makeup brands from Taiwanese makeup companies. 

1. 使用CC霜代替粉底液 Miss Hana 礦物美白CC霜 SPF50+★★★★ 2入組

退去秋冬厚重妝感,CC霜在春季彩妝中是一個不可忽視的趨勢,台灣品牌HANA出的這款CC霜遮瑕力道算中等, 但對於膚色不均勻的問題簡直是一大救星! 最棒的是它有SPF50防曬係數.讓我底妝可以省下擦防曬油的步驟,讓春季妝感更輕盈!

CC cream instead of foundation

As opposed to winter heavy makeup, I try to switch out foundation when spring comes. I found the CC cream from Hana gives a very nice medium coverage to my face. The color correction function really even out my skin tone. The best part is that it has SPF 50 build in so I can even skip one layer on my base makeup! 

2. 微煙燻 1028 太妃糖眼妝盒 2.1gx6色

我本人超愛煙燻妝, 而1028出了一款太妃糖眼影盤,造型超可愛!整盤眼影屬偏甜的大地色系, 六個顏色都帶有淡淡的亮片, 亮片的眼影對初學者來說很適合, 因為可以輕易暈色, 不會有一整個眼皮色塊分明的情形發生, 當然使用適合的刷具上色也很重要, 我接下來會分享一些刷具使用的小技巧

Light Smokey makeup

I personally am a huge fan of Smokey eyes and this spring 1028 came out with an eye-shadow palette that features a Toffe-tone nutural colors. These 6 colors are super wearable and are all shimmery. It is easier for makeup beginners to use shimmery colors so there won't be a block of color on top of our eyelid. Instead it can be easily smoked out by figure or an eyeshadow brush. 

3. 棒狀腮紅 Crystal Dia 一刷翻紅超人氣繽霜棒 腮紅霜

我對於腮紅最大的顧忌是顏色無法持久一整天...棒狀腮紅可以完全根除這個問題, 我通常在上完粉底液後, 用蜜粉定妝前上這支Crystal Dia的腮紅, 效果令我非常滿意! 雙頭的設計, 一邊是腮紅膏, 一邊是刷子, 攜帶非常方便喔!

Blush sticks

As the weather get's even warmer, it's hard to keep the blush looking refresh or even stay on all day long. I found the blush stick from Crystal Dia a huge savior to that end!  I use it after foundation and before I power over my face. With that little makeup tip, I was amazed by the fact that it's very easy to use and it last all day long.

以上分享的產品都是來自台灣的流行趨勢, 底下歡迎大家留言, 告訴我你們喜歡的台灣春季彩妝品, 大家一起來發現台灣的好東西!

All the products I mentioned in this post are from Taiwanese makeup brands/ trends. Please leave a comment below and tell me if you find any products you like during the spring season. Let's find the good stuff in Taiwan! 

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