夏季美白大作戰 The Secret to Glowing Skin



As the weather getting hotter, it is crucial to take care of our skin from the brutal sun to prevent skin aging. Today A-ca is going to show you 3 simple steps to get a brighter and clearer skin in the summer time!

步驟一: 補充膠原蛋白, 從內而外照顧肌膚
Step 1. Taking appropriate supplements and drink lots of water

步驟二: 勤擦防曬油, 防止黑斑生成也抗老化
Step 2. Putting on sun screen with high spf and +++

步驟三: 固定使用美白凍膜, 涼快又美白
Step 3. Incorporating brightening face mask in your daily beauty routine

以上產品, 大馬的女孩們都可以在Hawooo.com找到喔!
大家一起美白抗夏大作戰, 發現台灣的好東西!
All the products mentioned can be find in Hawooo.com . Let's work towards better skin and together find good stuff from Taiwan!

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